Covidien Shiley Combitube (Combitube) Blind Intubation Tube NO:37FR

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  • tyco-54063
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For difficult or urgent intubation.
Blind placement without laryngoscope.
The unique design allows esophageal or tracheal insertion into the patient's airway. 
Reduces the risk of aspiration of gastric contents. 
No holding device needed. 
The kit includes syringes and suction catheters.

Indications for Use;
Airway management in difficult or emergency situations.
Airway management in surgical procedures.
The combitube is designed for emergency intubation, this airway provides adequate ventilation when placed in the esophagus or trachea.
Blind intubation provides convenience, there is no need for laryngoscope or visualization of the airway.
It reduces the risk of aspiration of gastric contents.


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